Jason considers himself mostly easygoing, but can get tense or anxious easily in stressful situations. He is also very passionate, caring, and proud of his own work. His professional goal lies within the field of video editing, and to get a professional job within that field, maybe even relating to one of their own personal interests such as gaming or music. A lot of their influences come from not only his family and how they were raised, but also the media they grew up with, including film and games. They are currently studying editing/video production at Raritan Valley Community College. They are currently unsure if they will transfer to a four-year degree or graduate and join the video workforce, but they know their long-term goal is to be able to fully self-sustain themselves alongside any future family or relationships. The three events they would say have impacted them the most are getting computer access for the first time at a young age and using it to explore many types of media, partaking in their first time learning the editing process via a video production course in high school, and even learning to accept failure during their rough time struggling with trying to learn their first interest with art.
I would describe my work as very much on the novice side, yet clearly filled with effort and passion. Being able to tell a story or get feelings across to other people is what drives me the most within my work, and viewing other such pieces of media in my life that are able to impact me in such a powerful way is what inspires me to continue and improve my craft more and more. I’m able to articulate and tell a story better within the field of video editing as compared to writing or theater. My audience comprises of those who are like me and share the same interests I have, including film, games, music, and more. I don’t have a consistent overall tone that’s present in everything I make, as it really depends on the tone of the work itself. Depending on if it’s happy or sad, that’s the emotion I’d want my audience to share. I’m always looking towards the future, with a long-term goal of getting an editing job of some kind, even if I start off small as a freelancer or for a larger company, hopefully for one of those aforementioned interests I mentioned.
Jason considers himself mostly easygoing, but can get tense or anxious easily in stressful situations. He is also very passionate, caring, and proud of his own work. His professional goal lies within the field of video editing, and to get a professional job within that field, maybe even relating to one of their own personal interests such as gaming or music. A lot of their influences come from not only his family and how they were raised, but also the media they grew up with, including film and games. They are currently studying editing/video production at Raritan Valley Community College. They are currently unsure if they will transfer to a four-year degree or graduate and join the video workforce, but they know their long-term goal is to be able to fully self-sustain themselves alongside any future family or relationships. The three events they would say have impacted them the most are getting computer access for the first time at a young age and using it to explore many types of media, partaking in their first time learning the editing process via a video production course in high school, and even learning to accept failure during their rough time struggling with trying to learn their first interest with art.
I would describe my work as very much on the novice side, yet clearly filled with effort and passion. Being able to tell a story or get feelings across to other people is what drives me the most within my work, and viewing other such pieces of media in my life that are able to impact me in such a powerful way is what inspires me to continue and improve my craft more and more. I’m able to articulate and tell a story better within the field of video editing as compared to writing or theater. My audience comprises of those who are like me and share the same interests I have, including film, games, music, and more. I don’t have a consistent overall tone that’s present in everything I make, as it really depends on the tone of the work itself. Depending on if it’s happy or sad, that’s the emotion I’d want my audience to share. I’m always looking towards the future, with a long-term goal of getting an editing job of some kind, even if I start off small as a freelancer or for a larger company, hopefully for one of those aforementioned interests I mentioned.