Ben Peregrin is a film major at Raritan Valley Community College. Words that describe him and his approach to life are excitement, eagerness, passion, optimism, and open-minded. Ben grew up in an extremely Catholic family with six older siblings. His family was part of a larger catholic community where all the other families also had a lot of children. Ben plans to use his experiences of extreme religion and adapt them into a screenplay. When he graduated high school, he finally felt like he was free from his sheltered life and it truly felt like a new chapter of his life was finally beginning. What inspires him are films that emotionally move him or a new perspective on life. He wants to create films that have that effect on people and reflect his perspective on the world.  


Words that describe my work are ambitious, light-hearted, experimental, self-aware, low budgeted. I want to make films because it’s a field of work that truly excites me. I want to be able to share stories and my experiences with people. Creating something in film is a cathartic experience that I want to continue to work on and master. The movies that move me emotionally seem real to me in the moment and I think that’s what’s so special about this medium. When the characters are done right, they feel like real people that the audience can relate to and to me that’s what filmmaker is all about, creating stories to relate to people to people through their work. 3 things that I want my audience to get from my work I love, appreciate, and respect the history of film, I put in the effort, and I like to make fun of dumb horror movies. Emotions I want my audience to are amusement, joy, and appreciation The themes that show up in my work are loneliness, the battle within, and fear of the unknown My top 3 career goals are to direct and write a feature length film, to work people I admire in the industry and learn from them, and to create something that people can relate to on an emotional level.
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