The first time Gianni ever wanted to get involved in the film industry was when his friend showed him the “perfect” trailer for an animated movie. It opened his eyes to the beauty that is film, and it inspired him to focus on learning everything there is to know about the film industry, to one day enter the field. When Gianni first entered college he did not have a sense of purpose, so he didn’t take anything seriously. However, when he changed his degree to Digital Media/Film studies at Raritan Valley Community College, he felt a greater sense of responsibility to try the best that he can. What helped him the most in overcoming challenges in making film was his first project for a film production class, as it was his worst film he had ever created. Gianni had gotten cocky, and did not take it seriously from the start, thus the final product was sub-par. The project opened his eyes after completing, watching, and sharing the video during class critique as it was a prime example of what not to do going forward. However, after years of learning, and practicing, he had finally made his greatest film to date, “Back on Track.”  


The biggest reason why I want to make films is to make media that is a form of art, rather than something to appease the mass audience, as that is something of a common occurrence these days. My films are more thought out, where everything is accounted for, and connected. What inspires me is watching other people’s films or shows, and critically judging my own work by seeing what worked well, so that I improve. I want my films to invoke astonishment with its content and presentation. Ultimately, what I want my audience to get from my films is that they are mature, in an insightful way, and that they create an internal or external dialogue. In my film “Back on Track,” it was a fast-paced, dialogue focused story about two guys stuck in a time loop, because they get distracted. Each talking point in the film was different from one another, but they were all connected with the overarching plot. Additionally, because of the storytelling everyone was surprised, and was finally able to understand by the end of the film when I had shown it in class.
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