Keva Custis is an artist from Central New Jersey. Originally from Brooklyn, NY, she has an unbiased approach to life and extends that open-mindedness to her art. From a young age, Keva knew that she wanted to create art and make something of herself. She specializes in mixed media painting and drawing, most notably acrylic paint, and enjoys making films and taking photos involving her friends. Keva studied Fine Art at Virginia State University before transferring to Raritan Valley Community College to pursue Film and Digital Media. Her area of focus, cinematography, is present in all areas of her work, whether that be painting, film, or photography. Keva’s work is heavily inspired by the world around her and how she sees it. She enjoys things that grab others’ attention and makes them think, as well as things that she finds to be visually appealing. In addition to her artistic abilities, she also has a background in musical theatre, dance, and aerial arts.
I create the work that I do because I enjoy storytelling, and I enjoy getting reactions out of my audience even more. A lot of my current work is related to friends, having fun and night life, and how those things make us feel. Emotion is a big theme in my work, and I like being able to inspire conversations or even just deep thinking with the work that I do. My work is influenced heavily by my own life and the things I experience day to day. The approach that I take when creating something is to look at it as if I didn’t create it. If I want a specific art piece to evoke a certain emotion, I make sure that I feel that emotion while I’m creating it. If I experience that emotion when looking at the completed project, then I know that I’ve achieved what I set out to accomplish. My work examples are incredibly diverse in nature and reflect my fascination with the world around me. I enjoy bright colors, music, and being around the people I love the most.
Keva Custis is an artist from Central New Jersey. Originally from Brooklyn, NY, she has an unbiased approach to life and extends that open-mindedness to her art. From a young age, Keva knew that she wanted to create art and make something of herself. She specializes in mixed media painting and drawing, most notably acrylic paint, and enjoys making films and taking photos involving her friends. Keva studied Fine Art at Virginia State University before transferring to Raritan Valley Community College to pursue Film and Digital Media. Her area of focus, cinematography, is present in all areas of her work, whether that be painting, film, or photography. Keva’s work is heavily inspired by the world around her and how she sees it. She enjoys things that grab others’ attention and makes them think, as well as things that she finds to be visually appealing. In addition to her artistic abilities, she also has a background in musical theatre, dance, and aerial arts.
I create the work that I do because I enjoy storytelling, and I enjoy getting reactions out of my audience even more. A lot of my current work is related to friends, having fun and night life, and how those things make us feel. Emotion is a big theme in my work, and I like being able to inspire conversations or even just deep thinking with the work that I do. My work is influenced heavily by my own life and the things I experience day to day. The approach that I take when creating something is to look at it as if I didn’t create it. If I want a specific art piece to evoke a certain emotion, I make sure that I feel that emotion while I’m creating it. If I experience that emotion when looking at the completed project, then I know that I’ve achieved what I set out to accomplish. My work examples are incredibly diverse in nature and reflect my fascination with the world around me. I enjoy bright colors, music, and being around the people I love the most.