Of all the aspects of filmmaking, my favorite by far is video editing. While I still find script writing and directing fun at times, editing is my main passion. Receiving a series of raw footage clips and cutting and arranging them into a finished project with a coherent story is nothing short of magic to me. Editing is all about controlling the flow of information from a writer to an audience. If the audience is given too much, they will get overwhelmed, and if given too little they will become bored. A good editor knows how to strike a balance between the two while remaining entertaining. This is the skill I consistently enjoy improving in myself.

The first film on the reel is called What Comes After (writer, director, camera, sound, editing). It is a semi-satirical take on the afterlife and what that may entail. For this, I set out to make the afterlife as boring as possible and to accomplish this, all scenes in the afterlife are in black and white, have longer shots on character reactions, and overall move at a much slower pace. The second film, called What’s Left Behind (writer, director, camera, sound, editing) is a serious depiction of a post-apocalyptic world and what challenges this could present for a lone survivor. The last piece is a promotional project done for the Environmental Sciences program at RVCC (writer, sound, editing). With the editing and writing, I tried to keep the pace of the video light and upbeat to match the tone of a promotional video that the people at this program wanted. The music, cutting, and pacing all reflect this. With these short films, I have done my best to correctly control the flow of information to the audience in a hopefully satisfying way. 
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