My portfolio contains what I believe are my best works. They show what I can create when I put my mind to it. I also believe that the effort that I put into them really shows. The way I usually am inspired is very spur of the moment, it feels like it suddenly pops into my head and that is what I focus on. The main thing that I want to bring with my films is creativity and imagination. I personally do not really care what others think of my work as it makes the people that I work with happy and it makes me happy. This is all that matters to me in the long run and is the driving force for most of my projects.  

As for what I normally like to do for my work, I storyboard most if not all the projects after I have finally chosen the idea I wish to pursue. I try to become focused once I can channel my creative energies to focus. I am constantly working to build a better picture of the idea that I have inside of my head. It also helps me iron out certain details of a script if I am not too certain of where I want the plot to be yet.
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