Film is not only a passion of mine, it is a form of expression that I, like many others, would love to make a career out of. In my short time making films, I have done my best to entertain while also trying to inform. I wish that I could say that I have always wanted to be a filmmaker, but sadly this is not the case. As a child, I was traumatized by some movie trailers and swore off going to the movie theater for many years. It was not until my teenage years that I was reintroduced to the magic of the movie-going experience as well as films themselves. Ever since that time, I have known that I would like to pursue a career in filmmaking. 

One film that I am proud to have made is a documentary about my grandfather, titled Milton Sperber. It mainly features me interviewing my father about his father who passed many years ago. I was able to use the very minimal lighting equipment that was available to construct a decently well-lit shot. Prior to making this film, I really wasn’t sure how I was going to make a documentary or if I even could. When I first saw the finished product, I was pleasantly surprised. I hope to continue to make films about subjects that I am passionate about in the future. 
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