Jonathan Shaw is a film student. He has been captivated by film ever since he was a child. After graduating from high school, Jonathan attended Raritan Valley Community College. He initially had no idea what he wanted to do, which resulted in him changing majors several times during his time at RVCC. He then final decided to pursue a career he was passionate for and changed his major to Film. In addition to watching films as a kid, he is also fascinated by the filmmaking process. His ambitions are to become a filmmaker and having a good and stable future for himself. 
I am a filmmaker/storyteller. When I create a story, I want to make sure that is entertaining, and that the audience understands the message/meaning the story is telling. I would like to invoke themes in my stories that people will be able to remember, such as: taking control of your own destiny, being able to prove it to yourself, and being able to rise to a challenge. This is delivered through entertaining stories with well-developed characters. My target audience are fans of all types of films: from Sci-Fi to Horror and even casual movie watchers.
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