Shannon Lyons is a filmmaker who specializes in video editing. She earned a degree in Digital Media/Film Studies at Raritan Valley Community College preceded by a brief period at Savannah College of Art and Design. She excelled in her many film production classes, including Screenwriting, Cinematography, Lighting, and Sound Design, as well as many enlightening and well-rounding classes in surrounding subjects such as Art History, Color Theory, Drawing, and 2D Design. Her filmmaking is proudly influenced by being a lesbian, an identity which, growing up in and living as, has impacted the way she sees sexuality, gender, and society as a whole. She hails from an extremely diverse town which greatly informed her world view and experience with and knowledge of other cultures. She is excited to begin working in her field of expertise. She looks forward to earning enough money to move out of her parents’ house, marry her girlfriend, and pursue her love of learning, reading, and education when she isn’t working. She is from the central New Jersey area but is willing to move wherever work takes her.
I’ve always admired video and film for being such a powerful medium for empathy. Empathy is extremely important to me; I believe it’s what should give meaning to life, yet we have somehow constructed a society in which empathy is a weakness. This is why film has always meant so much to me. I feel so much more when I watch a film or video than when I engage with any other type of media. Film gets me to empathize with different groups of people whom I may have otherwise never even thought about. Because of this, I think it’s important to tell well-informed stories that make people feel seen, or at the very least brighten someone’s mood. I love how comedy can bring people together. I think humor is such an underrated quality. My filmmaking is proudly influenced both by being a lesbian, and by being raised in a very racially and culturally diverse town. Because of this, I have the social aptitude to tell stories that make people fall in love with film the way I have — by making people connect through feeling.