How did they do that? Why would they do that? Who made this? All of these are common responses after viewing what you just saw. If you can see. I would congratulate you for taking part in this semi-augmented mixed media mash-up but we aren’t quite done yet. In fact, the fun is just beginning. See, when I was a young lad I found comfort in filmmaking. Everyday was its own opportunity to create something new. Sometimes this resulted in a masterpiece, other times not. But what’s important is the experience. While other people may have just seen a kid with a camera messing around, I saw this as my drive and determination as a visual producer. I was once asked what my end goal as a videographer was. Effortlessly, I replied “To air my own show on TV that never gets renewed beyond the first season but ultimately becomes a cult-classic hit a decade later.” Yet again, I am confronted with how?s and why?s in which I will not explain myself. Mainstream media follows a series of trends created by new age comedy’s drive for the absurd. Society has finally hit the golden age of comedy where its purest form lies in just getting weird with it; harvesting the absurd, awkward, audacious moments of day-to-day existence for an audience — for laughter. So sure, maybe my show would be considered a failure by today's standard. But being uncovered as a hidden relic, a mere blip that was too ahead of its time, will always be more impactful than being just another piece of media that shot to fame but was forgotten the next day. I don’t create to make change. I don’t create for money, or fame. I create to express. Even if it takes people ten years to understand and fully appreciate, it will have brought entertainment and a unique odd connection amongst all who encounter it.
How did they do that? Why would they do that? Who made this? All of these are common responses after viewing what you just saw. If you can see. I would congratulate you for taking part in this semi-augmented mixed media mash-up but we aren’t quite done yet. In fact, the fun is just beginning. See, when I was a young lad I found comfort in filmmaking. Everyday was its own opportunity to create something new. Sometimes this resulted in a masterpiece, other times not. But what’s important is the experience. While other people may have just seen a kid with a camera messing around, I saw this as my drive and determination as a visual producer. I was once asked what my end goal as a videographer was. Effortlessly, I replied “To air my own show on TV that never gets renewed beyond the first season but ultimately becomes a cult-classic hit a decade later.” Yet again, I am confronted with how?s and why?s in which I will not explain myself. Mainstream media follows a series of trends created by new age comedy’s drive for the absurd. Society has finally hit the golden age of comedy where its purest form lies in just getting weird with it; harvesting the absurd, awkward, audacious moments of day-to-day existence for an audience — for laughter. So sure, maybe my show would be considered a failure by today's standard. But being uncovered as a hidden relic, a mere blip that was too ahead of its time, will always be more impactful than being just another piece of media that shot to fame but was forgotten the next day. I don’t create to make change. I don’t create for money, or fame. I create to express. Even if it takes people ten years to understand and fully appreciate, it will have brought entertainment and a unique odd connection amongst all who encounter it.