Olivia Jara is an optimistic and creative aspiring filmmaker from New Jersey. Olivia currently is an independent student in her second year at Raritan Valley Community College studying film/digital media and computer science and will be getting her two associate degrees in 2022 and transferring to a four-year school to pursue her bachelors degree in film. Olivia grew up with four older sisters, constantly watching different films as her dad would take them to the theater once a month. When Olivia was choosing where to go to college, she ultimately made the decision to go to community college where she was able to take her first class in video production. From there, her passion for video-making grew and she chose to pursue a career in film. Olivia was raised in a very culturally rich and diverse environment and pulls inspiration from all aspects of her everyday interactions, as well as from other videomakers. Her main aspirations are to someday make films of her own and work on much larger-scale documentary and narrative video projects.    


What drew me to film and digital media was the idea that people could escape their everyday lives just by watching video. Because of the space that video has given my imagination growing up, I want to contribute to making videos to let people share this experience. My work is all based on romanticizing life and creating fun and innovative pieces that all audiences can draw deep meanings from. I like creating a variety of interesting videos, everything from documentaries to narrative short films. In terms of documentaries, I enjoy trying to tell and portray the stories of people and subjects who are underrepresented and make my audience broaden their perspective on those topics. You can see this in my short documentary “Jazy.” In terms of narratives and storytelling, I like creating fun worlds that take people away from their current reality and make them think about profound level themes in life. In the future, I would like to direct full-length documentaries and narratives that I can show to big audiences. If there is one thing I want my audience to get out of my work, it is motivation to create things of their own. 
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