It has been a rollercoaster ride to bring Judith Gironès to where she is currently standing, but she believes there are some key moments that helped her shape her path. It began in 2015 when the Audie Norris Basketball Camp helped her improve her basketball skills enough that she had the chance to play and study in the US. Another experience was when her parents and she had a car accident. No one got injured, but the uncertainty of life proved its point at that moment, and left her grateful every day because she doesn’t know about tomorrow. Thirdly, film discovery, which came hand in hand with Marvel: there was something about the acting, scripting, editing, effects… the coherency, it all came together so easily and so hopefully for her. Lastly, the most recent experience was the feeling of watching Spiderman: No Way Home in the theater for the first time, the public screaming in certain scenes, crying, and laughing at the same time. All those emotions, that feeling she doesn't want to let go of, that is something she wants to keep chasing. She’s currently a Raritan Valley Community College student, planning to transfer to a four year college where she can play basketball while continuing her Film Studies. These are some of her personal goals along with living in London, England as well as New York City at some point and turning her father’s drama/romance novel into a movie. “We are exceptional, we are survivors, and we move forward”- Peter Krause. 


There is something magical about film, a feeling that I only get when I watch a movie or show. It is hard to put into words. I identify with the characters, creating an inexplicable bonding. I want to tell stories, I want to be the reason someone cries during a scene and then laughs at the next one, or gets chills after an intense scene. One of the first inspirations for my own work was when I finished reading my father’s novel; there was something in the book that I just immediately pictured on the big screen. I want to reach people who enjoy action thrillers but also romantic dramas. I want the audience to feel identified with the characters and their storyline, because it is based on myself and my surrounding friends. But other times I don’t, I would like them to feel shocked. Overall, I want to give the audience a rollercoaster of tears, smiles and out of breath scenes. I am fascinated when there are unexpected turns in movies, cliffhangers, and the audience a ‘wow’ moment. I would like for my audience to bond with the characters. Future goals include turning my father’s book into a movie, coming up with a movie storyline and bringing it to life, and lastly a dream to work with people I admire, actors such as Ronen Rubinstein, Sebastian Stan, Matthew Grey Gubler, Jonathan Bailey, and Chloe Bennet. All the emotions, the chills, the hype, the tears, the joy, the laughter… I’m fascinated by the power of film.
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